Working in construction and industrial environments is demanding and dangerous work. These industries are commonly known to have the most safety risks for workers due to the use of heavy equipment and power tools, the need to work from heights, and other dangers. They are subject to rules and regulations meant to protect workers against accidents that can cause serious injuries and death. However, many factors can cause accidents to occur, from defective equipment to violations of safety protocols.

If you have been injured in a construction or industrial accident, you may not know your right to file for workers’ compensation or pursue a third-party personal injury claim. At Labovitz Law Firm, you can turn to a capable attorney with more than a decade of experience pursuing rightful compensation for those who have sustained serious injuries. Attorney Brent Labovitz can review your situation in a consultation to determine your legal options and take action to help you pursue the compensation to which you are entitled under Missouri law.


Injuries suffered at construction and industrial sites can be more severe than in other environments due to the hazardous conditions involved.

Injuries can be caused by various factors, such as:

    Falls from scaffolding or high beams and ledges
    Being struck by falling objects or debris
    Being caught between machinery
    Electrocutions and shocks when wiring buildings or from defective power tools or electrical equipment
    Exposure to toxic chemicals and fumes
    Explosions and fires
    Accidents involving cranes
    Accidents involving collapsing structures
    Accidents involving power lines

    Faulty or defective equipment, poor training of workers, non-enforcement or lax enforcement of safety measures or protocols, missing railings, and tripping hazards can all lead to accidents. Injuries can range from sprains, whiplash, and lacerations to burns, broken bones, internal injuries, concussions, brain injuries, and spinal cord injuries leading to various types of paralysis.

    Those who may be liable for these accidents can include employers and co-workers or third parties such as equipment manufacturers, general contractors, subcontractors, and others. Because of the wide variation in potential sources of liability, you will need the services of an attorney who concentrates on injury cases to determine the type of legal action that should be used in your pursuit of losses and damages.

    Contact Us

    Labovitz Law Firm
    1034 S Brentwood Blvd
    Suite PH-2B
    St Louis, MO 63117

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